2. Elicitation as Experimental Phonology
– Thlantlang Lai Tonology
2.2 outline of “Tholantlang Lai Tonology”
I. The data from Thlantlang dialect of Lai in
- A monosyllabic language
- Falling tone (F), Rising tone (R), F/R tone
II. An alternation in Thlantlang dialect of Lai
- Falling tone becomes rising tone after ká (my)
- Find out the underlying forms:
a. F/R words are underlying /H/
H to HL / __ pause
b. R words are underlying /L/
L to LH / __ pause
- Contour tones:
a. All non-final tones must be either H or L
b. All final tones must be either falling or rising
c. Lag-IO(L): An input L should extend onto the following syllable
d. JUMP (UP): L tone cannot jumps to H tone
III. Question raised
- Why is /H/ realized LH after ká =my?
a. originally designated as F/R
b. H nouns are pronounced with any of surface tones.
c. Historical aspect: /H/ nouns have a /LH/ allomorph after pronominal proclitics.