2008年11月5日 星期三


亞馬遜角蛙 (Amazon-horned-frog)

紅眼樹蛙 (Red-eyed-tree-frog)

藍色箭毒蛙 (Blue-poison-dart-frog)

黃金箭毒蛙 (Golden-poison-dart-frog)

墨西哥蠑螈 (美西螈) (Axolotl)

雪兔 (Arctic-hare)

非洲食蟻獸 (Aardvark)

藍馬林魚 (Blue-marlin)

駱馬 (Llama)

儒艮 (Dugong)

穿山甲 (Pangolin)

青鳥 (Bluebird)

圖片來源: National Geographic



Do I love biolinguistics? Let me think about it!

Oh~feel sooooo good!

What?! A cat, not a mat?

I'm a graceful frog prince.

How's my new hair style?

It's a bird. It's an airplane. No~It's a superman!

I am king of the world.

圖片來源: Great aninmals

Preface (paragraph 4 +5 ) T 勝芬

Biological Foundations of Language
By Eric H. Lenneberg

Preface (Paragraph 4+5)

This book attempts to reinstate the concept of the biological basis of language capacities and to make the specific assumptions so explicit that they may be subjected to empirical test. In many instances I have not been able to do more than to formulate questions and to show that they are not spurious. There is no research as yet that provides answers to them. But I hope that I have been able to show what type of investigations might lead to new insights and thus, perhaps, give new directions to old inquiries. A particularly promising approach seems to be the systematic evaluation of patients with various deficits, especially the deaf and the mentally retarded. Modern advances in technology and methodology in behavior research are likely to lead to new knowledge about language function, and thus the patients whose misfortune serves as source material for new studies may, hopefully, eventually profit from the new advances in our understanding of language.


This book must be understood as a discussion rather than a presentation of the biological foundations of language. The exact foundations are still largely unknown. On the other hand, I have considered this common claims relating to the biological nature of language. In those instances where I found myself to be in disagreement with widely held opinions, the argument may have taken on a predominantly iconoclastic character, as, for instance, in Chapter six; in other cases the topic seemed to me important enough to warrant d detailed discussion although the data do not lead to new ideas on the nature or origin of language, as, for example, the discussion of peripheral anatomy in Chapter two. However, both the negative and the positive contributions uniformly led me to quite a specific point of view, which I have attempted to summarize in Chapter nine, and which may, some day in the future, become the foundation to a new theory on language.


2008年11月4日 星期二

George Gaylord Simpson (1902-1984)

George Gaylord Simpson (1902-1984)


1. 美國古生物學家。他的專長為滅絕的哺乳類,與牠們在大陸之間的遷徙。
2. 現代綜合理論的奠基者之一。
3. 在演化領域的主要著作包括《演化的節拍和調式》(Tempo and Mode in Evolution)與《分類規則與哺乳類分類》(Principles of Classification and a Classification of Mammals)等。

【現代演化綜論(Modern evolutionary synthesis) 】
  • 也稱為新綜合、現代綜合或是新達爾文主義。起源是達爾文解釋演化的天擇理論,與孟德爾遺傳定律的結合。同時也將基本的孟德爾遺傳學,改造為數學化的群體遺傳學。
  • 現代綜合理論將兩個重要發現結合,也就是演化單位(基因)與演化機制(天擇)。也統合了許多生物學的分支,例如遺傳學、細胞學、系統分類學、植物學與古生物學等等。
    建立並發展現代綜合理論的科學家,包括了數學家費雪(R.A. Fisher)、生物學家萊特(Sewall Wright)與霍爾登(J. B. S. Haldane),以及摩根(T. H. Morgen)、杜布藍斯基(Theodosius Dobzhansky)、朱利安·赫胥黎、恩斯特·麥爾(Ernst Mayr)、辛普森(G. G. Simpson)、斯特賓斯(G. L. Stebbins)等人。
  • 由於現代綜合理論相對原來的進化論較為溫和與合理,有不少反對進化論的基督教團體都表示願意接納這理論。

資料來源: Wikipedia-1 Wikipedia-2

圖片來源: Simpson

相關連結: Mammals and Land Bridge (by G.G. Simpson)

Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901-1927)

Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901-1927)


1. 奧地利生物學家,一般系統論創始人。他生於奧地利首都維也納附近的阿茨格斯多夫,曾經在倫敦、加拿大及美國等地工作。
2. 貝塔郎非出身自一個有很多學者及法官的不平凡家族。貝塔郎非家族是16世紀匈牙利貴族的後裔。他曾祖父查理·約瑟夫·馮·貝塔郎非(Charles Joseph von Bertalanffy)在奧地利定居,擔任奧地利南部的克拉根福(Klagenfurt)劇院院長。他外曾祖父則是維也納出版商及皇家顧問-約瑟夫·佛格爾。


1. 他在20世紀人類智慧歷史中佔了一個重要的地位。他的貢獻超越了生物學的範疇,更觸及控制論、教育、歷史、哲學、精神科、心理學及社會學。推崇貝塔郎非的人士相信一般系統論能夠為所有領域提供概念性架構。

● 一般系統論(或稱普通系統論)是由貝塔郎非(Ludwig von Bertalanffy)創立的一門邏輯和數學領域的科學,其目的在於確立適用於一切系統的一般原則。他于1948年出版的《生命問題》一書標誌一般系統論的問世。

資料來源: Wikipedia-1 Wikipedia-2
圖片來源: Bertalanffy